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  Why India

Typical scope of services includes:

"Soft Landing in India they came in to save cost, but they are staying because of quality". Indian companies have delivered outstanding customer service."

Today, India surpasses other competitors in terms of employment, number of companies sourcing ITES as well as a spectrum of verticals and services lines. Robust communication infrastructure, a large English-speaking workforce, implementation of government initiatives to improve local attractiveness, low labor costs, appropriate time-zone difference with the West and the brand equity built by the software services sector are compelling reasons for choosing India as the BPO destination.

The ITES industry in India has grown by more than 70 percent over the last two years and currently employs over 3,00,000 people with an increasing pace and is now worth $2.6 billion.

Large Human Resource

Every year, approximately 19 million students are enrolled in high schools and 10 million students in pre-graduate degree courses across India. Moreover, 2.1 million graduates and 0.3 million post-graduates pass out of India's non-engineering colleges.

Indian Education System

The Indian education system places strong emphasis on mathematics resulting in a large number of commerce and engineering graduates. Mastery over quantitative concepts coupled with English proficiency has resulted in a skill set suitable for the ITES industry.

Government Policies

The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology is playing an active role in developing the infrastructure that supports the development of information technology industry. The Indian government recognizes that Information Technology will influence economic development extensively in the future. IT is a pat of government's national agenda and all policies are driven to achieve maximum benefit to their industry.

Telecom infrastructure

Opening of Indian telecom sector has resulted in cost reduction by 85 % in 3 years. The telecom market has grown by over 20 percent year-on-year since 1996-97. The international bandwidth situation has improved dramatically over the last 3 years with the launch of India's first private undersea cable. VSNL has negotiated contracts to use parts of several international cables offering connectivity to most locations around the world. ISPs have been granted licenses freely and been allowed to set up their own international gateways and submarine cable landing stations and internet telephony has been allowed.


India is the sixth largest power generator in the world. Power availability has improved dramatically over the last 5 years, thus ensuring power reliability at most ITES locations like Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Bombay, Pune and Calcutta. Respective state governments in India have undertaken reforms in the power sector to improve power supply to ITES companies.


India continues to dominate the global outsourcing market as the preferred outsourcing destination in the world. India enjoys the confidence of global corporations for its high level of brainpower and its technological expertise. Low cost English speaking manpower, infrastructure, time zone difference and the adoption of quality processes like ISO and Six Sigma by several software companies are a few advantages India has over other outsourcing nations.

In order to maintain its leadership position in the BPO segment, India, cannot survive on such advantages. Today several Indian companies have started to shift their focus from leveraging the cost advantage to ensuring performance excellence. NASSCOM, the apex association for the IT and ITES-BPO sectors, champions the cause of the industry. Typical Dictum in the BPO industry now in India is "They came in to save cost, but they are staying because of quality". Indian companies have delivered outstanding customer service."

Several of India's best and brightest students are being drawn into the BPO segment attracted by the pay package and the lifestyle that comes along with it, another factor why India is able to deliver high quality solutions. IT is one of the Government of India's top five priorities.

Average salary offered to accountants / bookkeeprs in UK, USA & Canada and compared to India in Indian Rupees.

India exports software to 95 countries around the world. Of the 23 software companies in the world that have achieved the prestigious SEI-CMM Level 5, 15 of them are Indian. According to Nasscom India will soon have the highest number of ISO-9000 software companies in the world.

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